Bike Choice - What Exactly to Look For

There are several different reasons people choose to cycle as a mode of transportation. There are a lot of reasons to ride a bicycle that have nothing to do with your preferred method of getting places. Some people take up cycling in order to exercise. Some people cycle as a competitive sport. And there are others that simply want a way to bond with their family, so they take up cycling. No matter your reason for needing to choose a bicycle, you need to consider a number of different things in order to choose the one that is right for you. These tips are intended to help you along your way.

One thing you can consider when choosing a bike is whether or not your feet can rest flat on the floor while you are sitting so you can stop yourself. There are certain professionals, though, who disagree with this concept. It is their belief, that your time on your bicycle will be much more comfortable, if you allow your feet to remain several inches off the ground. If your feet are sitting flat on the ground while your butt is on the seat, this usually this link means that the seat is too close to the crossbar and will need to be adjusted for comfort. This is because when you are pedaling with this bike, your knees are going to come up too high.

Take 9" away from the total of your inseam if you plan to get a road bike. This is because of the size of the tires on your road bike. City riding is done with thin tires, designed to work perfectly with the smooth concrete roads and sidewalks you find in a city. With a mountain bike you will need to take away around one foot from the inseam. Mountain bikes have different tires than a road bike. Mountain bike tires are thicker than road bike tires, designed for rocky terrain. Mountain bikes can travel on city pavement but that is not what they are designed to do.

When getting a bike for kids you need to consider some altogether different criteria. You want to choose a bike that has brakes that are easy to apply (like moving the pedals backward) as well as something that is nice and sturdy. You will definitely have to consider how the bike looks when shopping for a child and you will want to find a well priced bike because children grow so fast.

The idea behind buying cycling bicycles is to make sure that you and the bicycle fit well together—physically. When deciding upon using a bike for transportation you need to keep this in mind. You need to feel safe but also comfortable on your bike, otherwise you won't enjoy riding it!

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